Silabus Sosiologi
Berikut ini silabus Sosiologi untuk SMA/Aliyah dari kelas X (Sepuluh) sampai kelas XII (Dua Belas) berdasarkan kurikulum KTSP. Silahkan download di sini bagi anda yang membutuhkannya dan jangan lupa komentarnya yah. Karena file yang didownload dalam bentuk zip file, silahkan baca dan download program extractornya di sini.
Label: Silabus
3 Komentar:
The attractiveness of these blogging engines along with CMS platforms is the not have of boundaries plus simplicity of handling so as to allows developers on the way to employ well-off satisfied plus membrane the spot here such a way to with incredibly little attempt solitary would by no means take in come again? it is production the position tick every exclusive of limiting comfortable plus efficiency.
What superb write-up! No idea how you wrote this'd take me long hours. Well worth it though, I'd assume. Have you considered selling advertising space on your blog?
lagi-lagi silabus, hahahaaa
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Bagi yang ingin berkomentar menggunakan emoticon di atas, silahkan ketik kode sebelah kanan gambar emoticonnya. Contoh :)) Terima Kasih sudah berkunjung di MA Miftahul Huda blogs
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